How to Transport a Pet on a Motorcycle

It is undeniable that the motorcycle is one of the most practical methods of transportation, especially in large cities where traffic is always intense. But those who ride motorcycles and need to bring along a pet may have questions about how to make the journey safely. Is it possible to transport a pet on a motorcycle? Are there specific precautions that should be taken? What does traffic legislation say? Find out everything in this article!

The Brazilian Traffic Code and Animals

Before discussing how to transport a pet on a motorcycle, it is important to understand what is stated in the Brazilian Traffic Code, which governs all forms of transportation in the country. The CTB does not prohibit traveling with a pet nor does it consider it an offense. However, the pet cannot be a distraction for the driver, who must be 100% focused on the journey and the road.

In practice, this means that the motorcycle rider should assess whether there is a chance that the animal may cause distraction or pose a risk to any of those involved in traffic, including the rider, pedestrians, drivers of other vehicles, or the animal itself.

Therefore, whether you are taking your pet with you on the motorcycle or engaging in a paid activity of taking a dog to the pet shop, safety is paramount. After all, without some basic precautions, what could be a fun ride can easily turn into a headache.

To transport the pet on the motorcycle?

Although traffic regulations do not prohibit the transportation of animals on motorcycles, they also do not provide further details on the correct way to perform this task. Therefore, there are several options available in the market for the motorcyclist to make their choice according to their needs, personal preferences, and, of course, the comfort of the pet.

To transport the pet on the motorcycle safely, there are 3 possibilities:

Plastic pet carrier or plastic pet box

The motorcycle trunk for transporting animals has a very specific design, with a structure that allows the passage of air through holes on the sides. In this type of motorcycle trunk, the animal cannot be placed ‘loose’: it must be inside the traditional pet carrier box, the ones we use in veterinary centers and pet shops, respecting the size and weight of each pet.

This type of pet trunk for motorcycles is widely used by pet shops, which need to pick up animals from their homes and take them to specific care units. The trunk is installed on the rear of the motorcycle, like any other trunk. On the iCbras website, in the special trunk line, you can find a trunk for pets that meets all these criteria.

The plastic box for motorcycles for transporting animals is ideal for those with a larger pet or for those who want to make the most of their trips, taking more than one animal at a time, each in its respective travel box.

Approved backpack

If the motorcycle trunk for pets is ideal for larger animals or for carrying more than one pet at the same time, the approved backpack serves the opposite function. This type of backpack was developed to transport only one small-sized pet, weighing up to 12 kilograms.

Thus, those who choose the backpack can carry it on their back during trips or between their legs, depending on the motorcycle model. These backpacks are usually sold in stores specializing in pets. An important aspect to note when making your purchase is whether the backpack has adequate ventilation, as the pet needs access to fresh air during the journey. Also, check if there is sufficient security against escapes.


The Sidecar for pets shares the same name as the equipment used for transporting water jugs and gas cylinders, but it’s not the same thing. For pets, it’s a specific compartment attached to the side of the motorcycle, often depicted in movies.

The Sidecar for pets is recommended for transporting larger animals in size and weight. However, the sidecar should only be used with trained animals to avoid the risk of escapes and traffic accidents. Additionally, the use of protective equipment such as a helmet and goggles is necessary to prevent the wind from hurting the dog’s eyes.

With these options available, the rider needs to consider several factors to make a good choice of a pet carrier, such as the size of the animal they intend to transport, whether they need to carry more than one pet at a time, whether the pet is trained, and how much they are willing to spend.

Taking these elements into account, it will be easy to make a decision to transport your pet on the motorcycle in the best possible way. With comfort for the animal and safety for everyone involved in traffic, the journey will be a fun adventure.